Some Mathematical Symbols Supported by HTML CODES
Need the copyright sign HTML code? Or the degrees Celsius HTML entity? Scroll on for dingbats, circled numbers, script letter HTML codes, the angstrom sign, biohazard sign, alef symbol, HTML checkmark entity and even a heavy black heart. And take a minute to browse Toptal’s professional designers’ blog, which gives you the lowdown on the very latest design trends and news—along with in-depth tutorials and technique posts to help you master the latest skills
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Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Common Name
-   space
- ! ! exclamation point
- " " " double quotes
- # # number sign
- $ $ dollar sign
- % % percent sign
- & & & ampersand
- ' ' single quote
- ( ( opening parenthesis
- ) ) closing parenthesis
- * * asterisk
- + + plus sign
- , , comma
- - - minus sign - hyphen
- . . period
- / / slash
- : : colon
- ; ; semicolon
- < < < less than sign
- = = equal sign
- > > > greater than sign
- ? ? question mark
- @ @ at symbol
- [ [ opening bracket
- \ \ backslash
- ] ] closing bracket
- ^ ^ caret - circumflex
- _ _ underscore
- ` ` grave accent
- { { opening brace
- | | vertical bar
- } } closing brace
- ~ ~ equivalency sign - tilde
-   non-breaking space
- ¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation mark
- ¢ ¢ ¢ cent sign
- £ £ £ pound sign
- ¤ ¤ ¤ currency sign
- ¥ ¥ ¥ yen sign
- ¦ ¦ ¦ broken vertical bar
- § § § section sign
- ¨ ¨ ¨ spacing diaeresis - umlaut
- © © © copyright sign
- ª ª ª feminine ordinal indicator
- « « « left double angle quotes
- ¬ ¬ ¬ not sign
- ­ ­ soft hyphen
- ® ® ® registered trade mark sign
- ¯ ¯ ¯ spacing macron - overline
- ° ° ° degree sign
- ± ± ± plus-or-minus sign
- ² ² ² superscript two - squared
- ³ ³ ³ superscript three - cubed
- ´ ´ ´ acute accent - spacing acute
- µ µ µ micro sign
- ¶ ¶ ¶ pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
- · · · middle dot - Georgian comma
- ¸ ¸ ¸ spacing cedilla
- ¹ ¹ ¹ superscript one
- º º º masculine ordinal indicator
- » » » right double angle quotes
- ¼ ¼ ¼ fraction one quarter
- ½ ½ ½ fraction one half
- ¾ ¾ ¾ fraction three quarters
- ¿ ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
- × × × multiplication sign
- ÷ ÷ ÷ division sign
Symbol HTML code HTML Name Common Name
- 0 0 zero
- 1 1 one
- 2 2 two
- 3 3 three
- 4 4 four
- 5 5 five
- 6 6 six
- 7 7 seven
- 8 8 eight
- 9 9 nine
2000+ HTML Symbols, Currency Entities and HTML Arrows Characters Code:
- © © © copyright icon
- ® ® ® registered trade mark sign
- ™ ™ ™ trade mark sign
- @ @ @ at symbol
- ¶ ¶ ¶ paragraph sign
- § § § section sign
- ℀ ℀ account of
- ℁ ℁ addressed to the subject
- ℂ ℂ ℂ double-struck capital C
- ℃ ℃ degree celsius
- ℄ ℄ centre line symbol
- ℅ ℅ ℅ care of
- ℆ ℆ cada una
- ℇ ℇ euler constant
- ℈ ℈ scruple
- ℉ ℉ degree fahrenheit
- ℕ ℕ ℕ double struck capital N
- № № № numero sign
- ℗ ℗ ℗ sound recording copyright
- ℠ ℠ service mark
- ℡ ℡ telephone sign
- Ω Ω ohm sign
- ℧ ℧ ℧ inverted ohm sign
- K K kelvin sign
- ⅍ ⅍ aktieselskab
- ⅎ ⅎ turned small F
- ☀ ☀ black sun with rays
- ☁ ☁ cloud
- ☂ ☂ umbrella
- ☃ ☃ snowman
- ☄ ☄ comet
- ★ ★ ★ black star
- ☆ ☆ white star
- ☇ ☇ ★ lightning
- ☈ ☈ thunderstorm
- ☉ ☉ ★ sun
- ☊ ☊ ascending node
- ☋ ☋ ★ descending node
- ☌ ☌ conjunction
- ☍ ☍ ★ opposition
- ☎ ☎ ☎ black telephone
- ☏ ☏ white telephone
- ☐ ☐ ballot box
- ☑ ☑ ballot box with check
- ☒ ☒ ballot box with X
- ☓ ☓ saltire
- ☖ ☖ white shogi piece
- ☗ ☗ black shogi piece
- ☘ ☘ shamrock
- ☙ ☙ reversed rotated floral heart
- ☚ ☚ black left pointing index
- ☛ ☛ black right pointing index
- ☜ ☜ white left pointing index
- ☝ ☝ white up pointing index
- ☞ ☞ white right pointing index
- ☟ ☟ white down pointing index
- ☠ ☠ skull and crossbones
- ☡ ☡ caution sign
- ☢ ☢ radioactive sign
- ☣ ☣ biohazard sign
- ☤ ☤ caduceus
- ☥ ☥ ankh
- ☮ ☮ peace symbol
- ☯ ☯ yin yang
- ☹ ☹ white frowning face
- ☻ ☻ white sun with rays
- ☽ ☽ first quarter moon
- ☾ ☾ last quarter moon
- ☿ ☿ mercury
- ♀ ♀ ♀ female sign
- ♁ ♁ earth
- ♂ ♂ ♂ male sign
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